The RGB color model is an
additive model in which red, green, and blue
(often used in additive light models) are combined in various ways to
reproduce other colors.
In HTML, RGB colors are often used, as for example in the line bellow:
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"
In this line, RGB color are displayed in two ways:
Method 1
rgb(255, 255, 255) - for each color, a value between
o and 255 is shown
- The first number corresponds to red color
- The second number corresponds to green color
- The third number corresponds to blue color.
Method 2
#0000FF -
is basically the same as above, but uses an hexadecimal code, from 00
to FF.
- "#" starts the code, but means nothing (in fact, may be
- the first 2 digits correspond
to the amount of red color
- the next 2 to the amount of green, and
- the
last 2 to the amount of blue.
Only the following characters can
be used
to generate a color code in this second method:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F (a total of 16 values)
For each digit the lowest value is 0 and the highest is F.
Method 1 and method 2 as
Values used in method 1 are decimal, and values in method 2 hexadecimal.
Method 1
Method 2
255 |
The purpose of this page is only to let you know how colors are coded.
Bellow are shown some colors generated by using method 2.
000000 |
........... |
330000 |
........... |
660000 |
........... |
990000 |
........... |
CC0000 |
........... |
FF0000 |
........... |
000000 |
........... |
003300 |
........... |
006600 |
........... |
009900 |
........... |
00CC00 |
........... |
00FF00 |
........... |
000000 |
........... |
000033 |
........... |
000066 |
........... |
000099 |
........... |
0000CC |
........... |
0000FF |
........... |
000000 |
........... |
333333 |
........... |
666666 |
........... |
999999 |
........... |
........... |
........... |
000000 |
........... |
003333 |
........... |
006666 |
........... |
009999 |
........... |
00CCCC |
........... |
00FFFF |
........... |
000000 |
........... |
333300 |
........... |
666600 |
........... |
999900 |
........... |
CCCC00 |
........... |
FFFF00 |
........... |
000000 |
........... |
330033 |
........... |
660066 |
........... |
990099 |
........... |
CC00CC |
........... |
FF00FF |
........... |